Elder Scrolls Online Only 5 Skill Slots
Skill Attack: 1,2,3,4,5, Uses the skill assigned to that slot, if the player currently has the magicka or stamina that the skill requires. Ultimate: R + + Use the ultimate skill currently slotted, if the player has sufficient ultimate points accumulated. Synergy: X + + Activate Synergy with another player's ability.
- Elder Scrolls Online Skill Tree
- Elder Scrolls Online Only 5 Skill Slots Free Play
- Elder Scrolls Online Only 5 Skill Slots List
- Elder Scrolls Online Skill Lines
Skills are purchasable abilities in The Elder Scrolls Online. New skills are unlocked and learned by leveling the skill set by using the skill's weapon, having the skill slotted on your primary slot-bar, and spending skill points. There are both 'Active' and 'Passive' skills in the game. As the name implies, 5-Piece sets take up 5 of your gear slots. As a healer, you will typically wear 2 different 5-Piece sets together, which will take up 10 of your total gear slots. You cannot stack 5-Piece bonuses from the same sets (including perfect vs imperfect). Monster Sets are exclusively head and shoulder pieces. The Elder Scrolls Online has been going strong since its release in 2014 and has remained one of the most popular MMORPGs.This year, Zenimax Online Studios took veteran Elder Scrolls fans back to. The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game which is the third major expansion (the previous two being Morrowind and Summerset) in the The Elder Scrolls franchise. The game is set on the continent of Tamriel where fearsome Dragons soar the skies of Elsweyr leaving scorched ruin in their wake.
5. Craft low-level gear to fill gaps
Elder Scrolls Online Skill Tree
When playing with a new character, you might not have found enough armor pieces to ensure you are completely covered. Armor pieces between levels 1-14 can be crafted immediately and require no Skill Points be spent.
Elder Scrolls Online Only 5 Skill Slots Free Play

To get started, harvest some resources in the wild and find a crafting station. As you craft, you'll even improve your skills!
6. Hit them hard to gain resources
If you're having trouble maintaining resources (Magicka or Stamina), try and make use of Heavy Attacks as part of your regular combat rotation. Not only will you do a large amount of damage, you'll also regenerate some of your resources (Magicka if attacking with a staff, or Stamina if attacking with a bow, sword, axe, dagger, or mace.)
Elder Scrolls Online Only 5 Skill Slots List
7. Upgrade your Bank and Inventory space
Elder Scrolls Online Skill Lines
You will find a lot of items during your adventures in Tamriel, so your Bank and Inventory space might be at a premium. To ensure you have enough space for all of your hard-earned loot, talk to a Banker to upgrade your Bank space and a Pack Merchant to upgrade your Inventory. Upgrading Bank and Inventory space will cost gold.